Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

i's hopes you alls enjoys youse howlidays. i's not under youse trees so gets over its and stops cryin' youse big babies. i's nose youse howlidays lacking now but maybe next years i's come visits youse like santy paws.

heres family portrait. marfa made bebe crys!


Peanut said...

Mom is crying now. She says she wanted you for christmas and now it is ruined since she knows you aren't going to be her present.

Mack said...

That is a great Christmas pic!
Hope you guys have the best Christmas ever!

Stanley said...

Alright, man!

Looks to me like my girl and Peanut's mama are going to have to throw down and fight over who gets you next Christmas. (It's embarrassing having to type this.)

You have made my girl's Christmas by showing up and entertaining us, if only for a few short minutes.

You be good to your sissy, Marfa, and to that bebe too!

Merry Christmas to all at your house, you big GOOBER!

Goob love & smooches,

Emily and Ike said...

Merry Christmas!

Joe Stains said...

Oh I am real sure it was Martha...