Thursday, March 27, 2008

Luuuuuv bucket

the peeps who live with me luvs me, oh yes theys do!

i's sorrys fer not being on heres lately. marfa hurt me. she hurt me real bad. i's just wanna says ikes is very, very handsome and the best looking dog on the 'net. i's wish i's looked like him. is that good marfa?


Ruby Bleu said...

You hair looks especially Fabio-like today KST!!! Oh and what's with that sticker? What does it say?

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Stanley said...

Hey, Stewie!

YOu've got to tell us all EXACTLY what happened to make Martha beat you up. We want the WHOLE story, man.

Love the sticker. Makes you look like a goober (we LOVE goobers here).

Goob love & smooches,

Peanut said...

oh well that wasn't the nicest of Martha and we hope you are okay. Do you have a banana sticker on your head?

Duke said...

Is that a Chiquita banana sticker on your head, KST? hehehehe

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

You must tell us the whole story. Enquiring minds want to know! (As my Ruby would say!)

PS: Are you okay now?? Is the Banana sticker serving as a bandaid??? Did she get you right BETWEEN THE EYES?!

Anonymous said...

I love your bed...where did you get it?

Joe Stains said...

GO MARTHA, er, I mean, are you ok?

Emily and Ike said...

Thanks, dude. You're alright in my book. Don't tell Martha.

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Oh gosh KST, whatever did Miss Martha do to you? You look, uh, really, uh, regal with that sticker in the middle of your forehead, but it probably speaks the truth!